We Need to Talk. Now. For Our Grandkids.
Our world is topsy-turvy, inside out.
Most of us live hand-to-mouth, paycheck-to-paycheck, way over our heads in debt, eking out an existence.
Because most of us know no other way, we have accepted the status quo as our way of life. We work our lives away, afraid to take a vacation day, less the boss replace us with someone more compliant and/or younger. If we get sick or need time off for a surgical procedure, we worry if our job will be there when we come back from medical leave. It’s not paranoia. It is very likely that our colleagues will collude with our esteemed corporate management to screw-us-over, demote us, give our job to a personal favorite or replace our “full-time” job with a low-pay, rent-a-employee, located in India or Pakistan.
Then, even if we manage to keep our job, we don’t share in the abundance we produce and it's unlikely that we will keep our jobs long enough to see retirement. RETIREMENT? What retirement? By the time we reach retirement age most of the promised benefits will be gone. Social Security? Medicare? With one political party working day and night to eliminate them, it’s likely they will be history, too.
At some point we become depressed, over medicated and addicted - fighting for more of those ever-diminishing momentary “pleasure hits” conjured up from within our culture to make us buy more, eat more, and even vote against our own best interests.
Republican, Democrat, Progressive, Tea Party, conservative, liberal, blue collar, college educated, long-time resident, new resident - we all are feeling the pain alike.
We are not happy people. Things are not working. Things are topsy-turvy.
The question we must all ask of ourselves is: What can be done to make things work the right way? After all isn’t it Our World, Too?
Go here to get started.
Your Grandkids' 10 Necessities of Life
1. You
2. Good Health
3. Freedom
4. Opportunity
5. Peace
6. A Future
7. To Value Others
8. Learn to Care
9. To Value Teamwork
10. A Plan
We Set Our Priorities
Truth is we set our priorities, for ourselves, our families and our nation. We either accept what others have set for us or we make a decision to do what we know is best and most important. So, what matters most for you? Is it profit first? Or, do your loved ones come first? Today, our culture rewards those who make corporate profit and growth most important. For many of our leaders material things like more wealth, multimillion dollar homes, cars, boats, private airplanes... you name it... more of everything and more "power" over others matters most for them. Is it not obvious that our priorties are wrong? We have allowed our leaders to set the wrong priorities for us. It's time to change direction toward what matters most for us: creating a life-affirming world for our loved ones. It is time to focus our intelligence, our resources, our collective wealth and work for a better world for our grandkids and ourselves.
The Clock is Running 
The clock is running. We have been gamed. Deal with it now.